非体制化权力结构在一些领导班子中不同程度地存在着,表现为:权力资源占有量失衡,权力分 布格局走型,班子成员之间权力关系紊乱等。权力主体用权动机的偏差、处理人际关系能力的高下,实际工 作能力强弱及在赢得支持、施利于人、获取信息方面条件的不同,是形成非体制化权力结构的原因。防治这 一问题,要端正权力主体的权力意识,控制权力资源不合理流动,加强对权力运行的监控。
The non-institutional power structure exists to some extent in some leadership groups, which is manifested as the unbalance of the possession of the power resources, the distribution of power distribution patterns and the disordered power relations among the members of the team. The motivation of the power of the main deviation, the ability to handle interpersonal relationships, the actual ability to work and to win the support, to benefit others, access to information on the different conditions is the reason for the formation of non-institutional power structure. To prevent and combat this problem, we must correct the power consciousness of the main body of power, control the unreasonable flow of power resources, and strengthen the monitoring of the operation of power.