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  After several shock waves of food scandals last year, law makers will soon converge in Beijing in March to deliberate how to crack down on illegal use or misuse of food additives.Public figures are warned against advertising tainted food and problem drugs. A highlight of the new food safety law is the regulation of compensation procedures. Offenders have to pay compensation before they pay administrative fines. Experts say this is an improvement on the current law which puts more emphasis on administrative punishment. But some consumers are worried that the money they receive will be far less than the cost of filing a claim fo compensation as the procedures can be complex. In light of this situation, experts suggest collective law suits could be filed by groups and avoid huge costs for individuals.
In college, as he was getting involved in protests against the apartheid government in South Africa, Barack Obama noticed, he has written, "that people had begun to listen to my opinions." Words, the
艾林 评注    马克思(1818—1883)见证了西方在19世纪中叶前后用武力强行逼迫中国进行“对话”的过程,他还看到了自马戛尔尼、巴罗与黑格尔以来反复被描写言说的中国在外力的打击下是如何分崩离析的。按照马克思主义的观点,历史总是不断向前发展的。于是,“停滞的”中国作为一个例外成为了绝佳的反面教材。马克思在其论著《资本论》(3卷)、《共产党宣言》等小册子以及大量的报刊文章与书信中谈论到了中国。
After noon, in Manhattan. It's slightly overcast, not cold, a good day for walking. I'm in the 90s on Fifth heading south,enjoying the broad avenue, the trees, the wide cobblestonewalkway that rings C
It is a success in so far as more women retain their youthful appearance to a greater age than in the past. "Old ladies"are already becoming rare. In a few years, we may well believe, they will be ext
"Great heavens! What a woman!" cried the captain,and stamped with fury. "Not without reason have I been trembling and in fear of her from the first time I saw her! It must have been a warning of fate
The empire ends with a pullout from Detroit.  Of course, the real evacuation of the Motor City began decades ago, when Ford,General Motors and Chrysler started to move more of their operations to rura
在你生命的每一年,我们都把  你的蛋糕上的蜡烛点燃  以此记录一种简单的进步  任何人都能够取得的进步,  然后,为了测试你的胆量  为了正确绘出死亡的景象,  你被要求用自己的气息  吹灭蜡烛,一根代表一年。
Ralph Waldo Emerson2 once famously wrote two hundred years ago that money often costs too much. I wonder if he would mutter under his breath those same exact words if I had time-travelled him to curre