
来源 :肿瘤 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nolva
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空肠血管瘤并发肠套叠甚为罕见,现将我院1例报道如下。 女性,40岁,因腹痛、腹胀、呕吐和停止排便排气3天,于1984年2月22日入院。外院诊断为急性肠梗阻,经输液和抗感染治疗无效转我院。近5年来患者经常腹部不适,均按溃疡病治疗,效果不明显。 体检:全身残表淋巴结不肿大,心肺正常。腹部略膨隆,腹软,未见肠型.上腹及脐周有压痛,无明显肿物们及,肠鸣音亢进。肛门指诊阴性。腹部平片上可见散在的小液平面数个。入院诊断为急性肠梗阻。经保守治疗不见好转。于同月28日行剖腹 Intussusception with jejunal hemangiomas is very rare. One case in our hospital is now reported as follows. The woman, 40 years old, was admitted to the hospital on February 22, 1984 for three days due to abdominal pain, bloating, vomiting, and stop of defecation. The diagnosis of acute intestinal obstruction in the outer hospital was ineffective after transfusion and anti-infective treatment. In the past 5 years, patients often have abdominal discomfort. All patients are treated with ulcer disease. The effect is not obvious. Physical examination: The residual lymph nodes of the body are not swollen and the heart and lungs are normal. The abdomen was slightly bulging and soft in the abdomen. There was no bowel type. There was tenderness on the upper abdomen and umbilical cord. There were no obvious masses and bowel sounds. Anal test was negative. A few small liquid planes scattered on the abdominal plain film. The admission diagnosis was acute intestinal obstruction. Conservative treatment did not improve. On the 28th of the same month, laparotomy
空肠系膜黄色肉芽肿少见,我院于1983年收治1例,现报道如下: 患者男性,20岁,因下腹包块一周伴发热一天于1983年9月29日入院。检查:左下腹有明显隆起,触及儿头大小肿物,边界清
我科自1975年8月至1983年5月开展纤维胃、食管镜工作以来,其中应用纤维食管镜(日制Olymous EF—B_2型)检查了441例食管、贲门部疾病患者,经纤维食管镜诊断食管输、贲门癌160
本病(Malignant fibrous histocytoma简称MFH)为软组织最常见恶性肿瘤,而原发于骨者罕见.自1972年Feldman报告以来,至1980年文献报告约有147例,约为骨原发性骨肿瘤的2.2~4,2%(
<正> 起义者(纪念瓦列瓦的公爵们)对于我们来说自由是用健康、生命和世上的一切筑成的铁柱钢梁,我们不怕大刀和杀头,也不怕额上流血负伤,古罗马之水孕育了我们祖先的头颅,
鼻腔乳嘴状鳞状细胞癌属分化较差恶性肿瘤。临床上罕见,报告一例如下: 女,33岁。右鼻塞,分泌物增多3个月入院,有头昏痛,前额为甚,无鼻衄史。局部滴药无好转。既往史无特殊。