
来源 :植物遗传资源学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sibsiufeuhfhkshu
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玉米矮花叶病是玉米重要的病毒病害,培育抗病品种是防治该病最经济有效的方法,将常规育种方法与分子育种技术相结合可以大大提高抗病育种的效率。本研究利用前期研究开发的2个分子标记Indel186-9和SCAR112,检测100份常用玉米自交系的标记基因型,结合100份玉米自交系抗性表型鉴定结果进行2个分子标记辅助选择的有效性分析。结果表明,目前种质资源中高抗病材料较少,亟待进行抗病改良。本试验所用的自交系包括不同血缘,抗源主要来源于PB和四平头种质。Indel186-9标记和SCAR112标记的选择符合率均达到80%,同时使用两者选择符合率达到91.67%,其中抗病选择符合率达到100%。Indel186-9和SCAR112标记分别可以使抗病级别从平均7.26级提高到平均2.4级,平均7.63级提高到平均4.27级。试验证明2个标记均可用于对玉米抗矮花叶病材料的选择,正确组合使用可提高对玉米抗矮花叶病材料的选择效率。 Maize dwarf mosaic disease is an important maize virus disease. Breeding resistant varieties is the most economical and effective way to control the disease. The combination of conventional breeding methods and molecular breeding techniques can greatly improve the efficiency of disease-resistant breeding. In this study, we used two molecular markers Indel186-9 and SCAR112 developed in our previous study to detect the marker genotypes of 100 common maize inbred lines, combined with 100 maize inbred lines resistant phenotype identification results of two molecular marker-assisted selection Effectiveness analysis. The results showed that the current high resistance to germplasm resources less material, the need to improve resistance. Inbred lines used in this experiment include different bloodlines, and the sources of resistance mainly come from PB and four-headed germplasm. The coincidence rate of Indel186-9 marker and SCAR112 marker reached 80%, and the coincidence rate of both the two markers was 91.67%. The coincidence rate of resistance selection and disease resistance was 100%. The Indel186-9 and SCAR112 markers respectively increased the resistance level from average 7.26 to average 2.4, with an average of 7.63 to an average of 4.27. The results showed that the two markers could be used for the selection of maize resistance to dwarf mosaic disease. The correct combination could improve the selection efficiency of maize resistance to dwarf mosaic disease.
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听到洪学智将军逝世的消息十分悲痛,悲痛的缘由不只因为他是一位将军、一位国家领导人,更因为他是我的一位亲戚。我的弟媳是将军长女洪醒华, Heard the news of General Hon
前部缺血性视神经病变近来发病明显增多 ,回顾我院自 1995~ 2 0 0 0年收治的 15例病人 ,分析总结如下。1 临床资料1 1 一般资料  15例其中男性 9例 ,女性 6例 ,双眼患病4例