人口老龄化对养老保险制度提出了严峻的挑战 ,“统账结合”的基金缺口将通过国有股减持来弥补。而出于保值增值的需要 ,具有积累或部分积累性质的养老基金有必要进入资本市场 ,并具备了一定的进入条件。相应地 ,养老基金的投资模式也要进行多样化的投资选择 ,以达到保值增值的目的。
The aging of the population poses a severe challenge to the pension insurance system. The fund gap of “unification of funds and accounts” will be offset by the reduction of state-owned shares. For the purpose of maintaining and increasing the value, it is necessary for the pension funds with accumulated or partially accumulated nature to enter the capital market and have certain conditions for entry. Correspondingly, the investment model of pension funds should also carry out diversified investment choices in order to achieve the purpose of maintaining and increasing value.