混凝土表面散热系数计算的准确与否,会对温度仿真计算的可靠性产生很大影响。通过现场试验研究了不同边界条件下温凝土表面附近点温度和温度梯度随距临空面距离和时间的变化规律,利用现场温度实测值对混凝土表面散热系数进行反演分析,得到不同边界下混凝土表面散热系数的反演值。然后通过混凝土第三类边界条件下表面散热系数与温度梯度的关系,发现可以选取混凝土表面0.03 m~0.09 m范围内的中点温度和温度梯度计算混凝土表面散热系数。几种不同表面覆盖条件下的验证计算结果表明,该方法对于不同的边界具有普适性和较好的准确性,可供科研人员和设计人员参考。
The accuracy of the calculation of the heat dissipation coefficient of the concrete surface will have a great influence on the reliability of the temperature simulation calculation. Field experiments were conducted to study the variation of point temperature and temperature gradient near the concrete surface under different boundary conditions with the distance and time from the surface to the surface. The field surface temperature was used to inversely analyze the heat transfer coefficient of the concrete surface. Inversion of concrete surface radiating coefficient. Then the relationship between the surface thermal dissipation coefficient and the temperature gradient under the third type of boundary conditions of concrete is found, and the mid-point temperature and temperature gradient in the range of 0.03 m to 0.09 m can be selected to calculate the concrete surface heat dissipation coefficient. Several different surface coverage verification results show that the method for different boundaries with universal and good accuracy, for researchers and designers reference.