Ni Ping Comforts Dying Fan

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NI Ping is an anchorwoman for CCTV. Because of this, she wins a lot of admirers. Among them was a girl who devoted her life to following Ni’s career. She was Zhao Ying, a 15-year-old student at Beijing No. 80 Middle School. Her small bedroom is virtually a shrine to Ni Ping. Her bookcase is filled with videotapes and magnetic tapes of programs hosted by Ni. Ni’s photographs are all over the walls. In addition, Zhao had created her own newsletter about her idol called Ni Ping’s Feature. Below the title of the newsletter, Zhao had written the four Because of this, she wins a lot of admirers. Among them was a girl who devoted her life to following Ni’s career. She was Zhao Ying, a 15-year-old student at Beijing No. 80 Middle School. Her small bedroom is virtually a shrine to Ni Ping. Her bookcase is filled with videotapes and magnetic tapes of programs hosted by Ni. Ni’s photographs are all over the walls. In addition, Zhao had created her own newsletter about her idol called Ni Ping’s Feature. Below the title of the newsletter, Zhao had written the four
澳大利亚对彩色电视决定采用PAL制式。该系统使用三种颜色(绿、蓝、红),带宽与黑白电视相同为5兆赫,但彩色频道频段为高频1兆赫。 Australia decided to use PAL on color
一个属深度聋的哑女竟奇迹般地说出了一口流利的普通话,和父亲合著了一部12万字的书,背出了圆周率小数点后一千位数字,名字载入了吉尼斯世界大全—— A dumb, deaf girl who
据英国《自然·衰老》杂志11月30日发表的一项医学研究,欧洲科学家团队首次发现,血液中两种分子的水平或能预测轻度认知损害:患者未来的认知衰退和阿尔茨海默病痴呆的发展。这两种分子分别是在苏氨酸-181位上磷酸化的tau(P-tau181)和神经丝轻链(NfL)。这一成果有助于科学家开发出常规血液检查,“追踪”高危群体的阿尔茨海默病进展。  目前,人类对阿尔茨海默病依然束手无策,一个重要原因就是致病原
据英国《自然·神经科学》杂志12月3日发表的一项最新研究,新冠病毒或能通过鼻子进入人类大脑。这一发现或有助于解释在新冠病毒感染者身上观察到的一些神经症状,并为感染的诊断和预防措施提供借鉴。  新冠病毒不仅累及呼吸道,还累及中枢神经系统,导致感染者出现诸如丧失嗅觉、味觉、头痛、疲劳、恶心等神经症状。虽然最新研究已经在脑部和脑脊液内发现了病毒RNA,但病毒如何进入以及如何在脑内分布的问题仍不清楚。  
大自然又开始寒冷的季节,冰天雪地,食物匮乏,动物们开始用自己的方式猫冬。  免薪园丁·刺猬  刺猬是异温动物,因为它们不能稳定地调节自己的体温,使其保持在同一水平,所以冬天一到,刺猬就缩进泥洞里,蜷着身子,不食不动,开始冬眠,直到第二年春暖才醒来。它还喜欢打呼噜,和人相似。刺猬最喜爱的食物是蚂蚁与白蚁,在野生环境自由生存的刺猬会为公园、花园、小院清除虫蛹、老鼠和蛇,是不用付薪水的园丁。  挖掘能手