一、清代档案史料编纂成因探析清代档案史料的编纂与发展 ,受中国文化传统以及中国古代档案史料编纂史上所取得的各种成就的影响 ,并与清代政治、经济的盛衰密切相关。中华民族注重传统和“博古”的文化心理以及中国封建社会以政治和道德伦理为本位的文化特征对清代档案史料编?
I. The Causes of the Compilation of Historical Materials in Qing Dynasty The compilation and development of historical materials in Qing Dynasty were influenced by the Chinese cultural traditions and various achievements made in the compilation of ancient Chinese archives and historically related to the rise and fall of politics and economy in the Qing Dynasty. The Chinese nation pays attention to the cultural psychology of tradition and “Bogut” and the cultural characteristics of Chinese feudal society based on political and ethical ethics.