何大一博士是国际知名的艾滋病专家、艾滋病鸡尾酒疗法的发明人。何博士1952年出生于中国台北,1974年以优异的成绩毕业于美国加州大学理工学院护理部,1978年获加州大学、哈佛大学医学学士、博士学位。何大一现任美国诺克迅大学研究中心的主任,2001年8月当选美国《时代周刊》当年科学医学界18位顶尖成果的人才之一,2003年当选中国工程院外籍院士。 何博士在参加了泰国举行的世界第15届艾滋病大会后,专程来京参加全球华人生命科学论坛,并在国家科学技术奖励办公室主办的“科技奖励国际论坛”上,就艾滋病的传播及控制前景作了演讲。
Dr Ho is an internationally renowned AIDS expert and inventor of HIV / AIDS cocktail therapy. Dr. He was born in Taipei, China in 1952 and graduated with honors from the Department of Nursing, University of California, Berkeley in 1974 with a bachelor’s degree in medicine and a doctorate from Harvard University in 1978. He is currently the director of the research center of Nixun University in the United States. In August 2001, he was elected as one of the 18 top-notch talents in the science and medical field in the United States in Time magazine in 2003, and was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2003. After attending the 15th AIDS Conference in Thailand held in Thailand, Dr. Ho paid a special trip to Beijing to participate in the Global Chinese Life Science Forum. At the International Symposium on Science and Technology Awards sponsored by the State Science and Technology Awards Office, Dr. He talked about the spread of AIDS and Control perspective made a speech.