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这是一种特殊的武器。它虽无影无形,却有着航空母舰的威力,有着隐形战机的疯狂,有着巡航导弹的凶猛,甚至有着原子弹的能量,往往不战而屈人之兵。这是一种特殊的战场。它虽不需要诺曼底登陆的海滩,不需要英格兰激战的长空,不需要铁甲纵横的沙漠,但它又囊括了五维空间,没有前方与后方,凡有人的地方就有它的存在。这是一种特殊的战斗。它虽见不到金戈铁马、炮火硝烟和血肉横飞,却能通过文字、声音和图像,威慑人的心理,杀伤人的精神,弱化人的智力,以致摧毁一个国家或征服一个民族。 This is a special type of weapon. Although shadowless and invisible, it has the power of an aircraft carrier. It has the fury of stealth fighters, the ferociousness of cruise missiles and even the energy of atomic bombs. This is a special battlefield. It does not need Normandy landed beaches, England does not need to fight the sky, do not need armored vertical desert, but it also encompasses the five-dimensional space, there is no front and rear, where there are places where it exists. This is a special kind of battle. Although it can not see the mighty armies, its guns and smoke, its flesh and blood, it can deter people’s intelligence by deterring human psychology, writing, sound and images, destroying a nation or conquering a people.
人们有理由期待,在各地频发的拆迁对抗性事件,能产生一种倒逼效应,从而让这种外部压力转化为制度变革的内在动力    近两年,因强拆而引发抵抗的事件已有多起。长期关注拆迁问题的社科院农村所研究员于建嵘公开发文说,中国的拆迁问题,已经到了“民不畏死”因而“莫要以死惧之”的地步了。“此事之破题,需要另寻他途。”  对“肇事者”之一——《城市房屋拆迁管理条例》(下简称“条例”)的改造成为备选的路径之一。今年