
来源 :热加工工艺 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xinshouji1
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板厚变化是板材渐进成形工艺涉及的主要问题,与成形角度、层间距等工艺参数密切相关。针对成形角度分别为45°和60°的方锥件,结合数值模拟和实验结果证明余弦定理可用于预测成形零件的板材厚度,但预测值较实际值偏大。运用无模渐进成形有限元模型,分析了工具头尺寸和层间距对板材厚度变化的影响,结果表明大的工具头尺寸和小的层间距有助于提高板厚的均匀化程度,不同的工具头尺寸虽然导致板厚均匀区域大小有所差别,但最终的板厚尺寸趋于一致,随着层间距的增大,余弦定理的预测误差增大。 The variation of thickness is the main problem involved in the progressive forming process of sheet metal, which is closely related to the process parameters such as forming angle and layer spacing. For the square cones with forming angles of 45 ° and 60 ° respectively, the cosine theorem is proved by the numerical simulation and experimental results to predict the sheet thickness of the formed part, but the predicted value is larger than the actual value. The effects of tool head size and layer spacing on the variation of sheet thickness were analyzed by using the modelless incremental forming finite element model. The results show that large tool head size and small layer spacing can help to improve the plate thickness uniformity. Different tools Although the size of the head caused the difference of the uniform thickness of the plate thickness, the final plate thickness tended to be the same. As the distance between layers increased, the prediction error of the cosine theorem increased.
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摘 要 科技一方面推动体育的快速发展,另一方面也使体育面临诸多困境,其实质即是科技带来的消极作用直接冲击着竞技体育本身的价值。解决此问题的根本正确思路应是,追求科技的工具理性与价值理性的统一,用人文精神保证科技在体育中运用的方向与程度。  关键词 体育科技 工具理性 价值理性  中图分类号:G80 文献标识码:A  在探讨体育科技与伦理现状的时候,我们应该首先明确体育科技与伦理的关系的实然状态是什
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