美国空军空中作战司令部组建于1992年6月,总部设在弗吉尼亚州的兰利空军基地,空军上将约翰·M·劳任第一司令。在此之前,他曾任战术空军司令、空军副参谋长。记者就有关美空军的近期战略、战术及装备发展动向对他进行了采访。记者作为空中作战司令部的司令,您现阶段最关心的是什么? 劳由于世界形势变幻莫测,我国安全战略中也有许多不稳定因
The Air Forces Air Combat Command was formed in June 1992 and is headquartered in Langley Air Force Base, Virginia. Air Force Commander John M. Laura served as the first commander. Prior to that, he was the commander of the Tactical Air Force and the deputy chief of staff of the Air Force. The reporter interviewed him about the recent strategic, tactical and equipment development of the U.S. Air Force. Reporter As commander of the Air Combat Command, what are you most concerned about at this stage? Because of the unpredictable world situation, there are also many unstable causes in China’s security strategy.