1999年 9~ 10月对武定县 4所中小学校学生龋齿情况进行了调查。现将结果报道如下。按单纯随机抽样方法选择县城和乡村具有代表性的中小学校各 1所 ,共检查在校学生 3894名 ,其中男生 1988名 ,女生 190 6名 ;年龄 7~ 17岁。按照《全国学生体质健康状况调查研究工作手册》要求
From September to October 1999, the dental caries of four primary and secondary school students in Wuding County were investigated. The results are reported below. A simple random sampling method was used to select one representative primary and secondary school in the county seat and the village respectively. A total of 3894 students were examined, including 1988 boys and 190 girls; aged 7-17 years. In accordance with the “National Student Physical Health Survey Research Manual” requirements