瑞广,河北宁纺集团有限责 任公司董事长兼总经理。他曾因把一个只有23名职工、16台布机、固定资产不足1.9万元的小厂建成拥有总资产2.5亿元的国家二级企业而备受关注,又曾因获得全国劳模、全国五一劳动奖章等诸多殊荣而享誉一方。他领导的宁纺集团被称为纺织行业的常青树?
Rui Guang, chairman and general manager of Hebei Ningfang Group Co., Ltd. He had been concerned about the establishment of a small factory with 23 employees, 16 sets of cloth machines and less than 19,000 yuan in fixed assets into a state-owned secondary enterprise with total assets of 250 million yuan. Labor awards and other awards are well known. The Ningfang Group he heads is known as the Evergreen of the textile industry.