Humidity-Induced Spectral Shift in a Cross-Dispersion Echelle Spectrometer and Its Theoretical Inves

来源 :光谱学与光谱分析 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Z_L_Q
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The relationship between ambient relative humidity H and the position shift of a spectral line was investigated both experimentally and theoretically.An echelle-based ICP emission spectrometer equipped with a CID detector was used for experimental verification of the derived model.The shift of a spectral line is quantitatively described by two defined spectral shift functions: Δλx(x,λ,H)(in the x direction of the CID detector) and Δλy(y,λ,H)(in the y direction of the CID detector).Experimental results indicate that Δλx(x,λ,H) does not change with a variation in ambient relative humidity, but Δλy(y,λ,H) does.A spectral shift equation, empirical second-order polynomial equation,can be used to describe the relationship between Δλy(y,λ,H) and H.Based on the classical dipole model,classical mechanics and electrodynamics the empirical spectral-shift equation involving Δλy(y,λ,H) and H was theoretically deduced.The theoretical result is in good agreement with the experimental findings.The theoretical results indicate that the coefficients of the empirical spectral-shift equation are related to the basic physical parameters of materials and the geometric configuration of the echelle CID ICP-AES,and also provide physical meaning to the coefficients of the empirical shift equation obtained experimentally. The relationship between ambient relative humidity H and the position shift of a spectral line was investigated both experimentally and theoretically. An echelle-based ICP emission spectrometer equipped with a CID detector was used for experimental verification of the derived model. Shift of a spectral line is quantitatively described by two defined spectral shift functions: Δλx (x, λ, H) (in the x direction of the CID detector) and Δλy (y, λ, H) (in the y direction of the CID detector). indicates that Δλx (x, λ, H) does not change with a variation in ambient relative humidity, but Δλy (y, λ, H) does. A spectral shift equation, iean empirical second-order polynomial equation, can be used to describe the relationship between Δλy (y, λ, H) and H. Based on the classical dipole model, classical mechanics and electrodynamics the empirical spectral-shift equation involving Δλy (y, λ, H) and H was theoretically deduced. The theoretical result is in good agreement with the exper imental findings. The theoretical results indicate that the coefficients of the empirical spectral-shift equation are related to the basic physical parameters of materials and the geometric configuration of the echelle CID ICP-AES, and also provide physical meaning to the coefficients of the empirical shift equation achieved experimentally.
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