一天晚上,弟弟坐在桌边看我做作业。看着桌子上五花八门的作业本,弟弟羡慕(xian mu)极了,奶声奶气地对我说:“姐姐,我也要作业本!”我想了想说:“好,姐姐帮你做一本独特的作业本。”我先找来四种颜色的彩色A4纸,裁成一半大小,然后用订书机装订起来。弟弟也不闲着,忙着帮我拿这拿那。很快,一本彩色的小本子就做成了,接着就是装饰封面了。我拿出各色水彩笔,在封面上画上了可爱的卡通图案,最后,写上“我爱学习”四个字。弟弟歪着脑袋看了看,说:“真漂亮!可怎么没有我的名字啊?”说完,他自己拿起一支铅笔,在上面歪歪扭扭地写上了自己的大名——杨洙。耶!大功告成!
One night, my brother sat at the table to see my homework. Looked at the table a wide variety of homework, my brother envy (xian mu) extremely, milk milk to me: “Sister, I have to work here! ” I thought I would like to say: “Well, my sister A unique homework for you. ”“ I first got the four-color colored A4 paper cut to half the size and then stapled it with a stapler. My brother is not idle, busy taking this for me to take it. Soon, a colorful little book was made, followed by a decorative cover. I took out all kinds of colored pencils and painted cute cartoon designs on the cover. Finally, I wrote the words ”I love learning“. My brother looked out of his head and said: ”It’s so beautiful! How can I not have my name?" After that, he picked up a pencil and croaked his name - Yang Soo . Yeah! You’re done!