目的 :探索中西医结合治疗肺心病急性加重期的有效途径。方法 :根据慢性肺原性心脏病急性加重期病机特点 ,采用宣肺平喘 ,通腑祛瘀法为主 ,拟以基本方(枳壳、桔梗、半夏、丹参、水蛭、黄芩、大黄等 )加减治疗该病 1 32例。结果 :显效71例 ,好转 42例 ,无效 1 9例 ,总有效率为 85 .6%。从而证实了气与血 ,肺与大肠之间的生理、病理关系在指导临床治疗中有密切的实际意义。
Objective: To explore an effective way to treat acute exacerbation of pulmonary heart disease by combining traditional Chinese and western medicine. Methods: According to the characteristics of pathogenesis of chronic pulmonary heart disease in acute exacerbation period, we adopted the method of Xuanfei and asthma, Etc.) Addition and subtraction treatment of the disease 1 32 cases. Results: 71 cases markedly improved, 42 cases improved, ineffective in 19 cases, the total effective rate was 85.6%. Thus confirming the gas and blood, lung and large intestine between the physiological and pathological relations in the clinical guidance in the close practical significance.