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新课改的不断深入让初中的物理教学开始进入一个新的发展时期,在中学阶段,物理学科是非常重要的一门关于自然基础的学科,有着非常强的操作性,所以需要将实践和理论两者进行有机的结合。因此,在进行初中物理教学的时候要注重培养学生探究问题的能力,这样才能提升教学质量,提高学习效率,满足社会的需求。主要探析如何在初中物理教学中培养学生探究问题的能力。 The continuous deepening of the new curriculum reform makes junior high school physics teaching begin to enter a new period of development. In the middle school stage, the physics discipline is a very important disciplinary on the basis of nature. It has very strong operability, so it is necessary to combine practice and theory Both organic combination. Therefore, in junior middle school physics teaching, we should pay attention to cultivating the ability of students to explore problems so as to improve teaching quality, improve learning efficiency and meet the needs of society. Mainly explore how to cultivate students’ ability to explore problems in junior high school physics teaching.
评述由头 2008年以来,行政问责在各地频频发力,密集度之高远超出往年。9月22日,国家质检总局局长李长江因三鹿奶粉事件引咎辞职,这是继9月14日山西省省长孟学农因襄汾县尾矿溃坝重大责任事故辞职之后,又一位引咎辞职的正部级高官。同日,因三鹿奶粉事件,石家庄市委书记吴显国被免职,这也是继此前山西省副省长张建民之后,又一位被免职的副部级官员。此外,在深圳火灾和河南登封矿难中,也有一些官员被免职。  在