
来源 :历史教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:horse12
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1927年大革命失败以后,中国共产党独立地领导人民,向反革命进行了武装斗争。南昌起义就是党在这危急关头,以武装起义来挽救革命失败的尝试。这个起义向全国人民树立了一面鲜明的武装斗争的旗帜。接着“八七”党中央紧急会议,坚决地纠正了陈独秀的右倾投降主义,决定进行土地革命和武装斗争,号召各地农民进行秋收起义。当时,南方的湖南、湖北、广东、江西等省,在大革命的高潮中,农民运动蓬勃发 After the failure of the Great Revolution in 1927, the Chinese Communist Party led the people independently and carried out armed struggle against the revolution. Nanchang Uprising is the Party’s attempt to save the revolution from failure at this critical juncture by armed uprising. This uprising has set a clear banner of armed struggle for the entire people. Then, the “August 7” Party Central Committee’s emergency meeting resolutely corrected Chen Duxiu’s rightist capitulationism and decided to carry out the agrarian revolution and the armed struggle and called on peasants throughout the country to carry out the Autumn Harvest Uprising. At that time, in the southern provinces of Hunan, Hubei, Guangdong and Jiangxi, the peasant movement flourished at the height of the Great Revolution