On October 30, 2014, Mr. Huang Fuxiang, the respected senior expert in Shanghai’s planning community and former chief planner of Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Institute, left us forever because of invalid medical treatment. We are deeply saddened to hear this news. Mr. Huang Fuxiang was born on May 7, 1932, in Qingjiang, Jiangxi Province. He graduated from Tongji University in 1956 with a major in urban construction and management. He was an assistant professor in the Department of Architecture of Tongji University. In 1958 September toShanghai Urban Planning and Design Institute, served as chief engineer, deputy chief engineer, hospital chief engineer. May 1993 after retirement in June 2000 served as Chief Engineer of the hospital. Mr. Huang Fubian is not only an ’expert’ with outstanding technical leadership and special government allowance from the State Council, but also a true scholar with master style. He is J bit in the city