水是生命之源,任何文明的诞生繁荣都离不开水。在远离江河湖泊、贫穷落后的居住区,人们无法获得足够多的洁净的饮用水,这时他们就会使用雨水收集箱来储存雨水,供日常生活所需。哥本哈根交互设计研究院的两名学生Hyeona Yang和Joshua Noble的新设计“Raincatch”的设计理念与雨水收集箱十分相似,Raincatch雨衣在遮挡雨水的同时,还可以为你将雨水净化成饮用水。
Water is the source of life, the birth and prosperity of any civilization can not do without water. In poor and lagging neighborhoods far away from rivers and lakes, people do not have access to enough clean drinking water, and then they use rainwater harvesting boxes to store rainwater for everyday needs. New design by Hyeona Yang and Joshua Noble, two students at the Institute for Interactive Design and Research in Copenhagen “Raincatch” is designed to be very similar to a rainwater catch box, Raincatch raincoats help to clean rain water from drinking water .