日本侵略者速战速决策略失利后 ,阴谋瓦解中国的抗日民族统一战线 ,千方百计引诱亲日分子投降 ,以实现其“以华制华”的战略。周佛海之流顺应了日本帝国主义侵略和奴役中国人民的需要 ,走上了公开叛国投敌的可耻道路。
After the defeat of the quick strategy of the Japanese invaders, the Japanese conspirator collapsed and plotted to disintegrate the anti-Japanese national united front of China and tried every means possible to lure pro-Japanese elements to surrender so as to realize its strategy of “using China to control China.” The flow of Zhou Fohai accords with the needs of the Japanese imperialists in their aggression and enslavement of the Chinese people and embarks on the shameful path of openly treason and enemy occupation.