2003年11月,由 CNNIC 发布的《中国互联网络热点调查报告》在初冬的季节新鲜出炉,其中有关宽带部分的分析显示,我国的宽带服务客户稳定增长,分布广泛,已渐成气候。CNNIC 每年发布两次《中国互联网络发展状况调查报告》已成惯例,内容也主要是从宏观的角度,概括性地描述我国互联网的发展状况。此次开展的针对网站短信息和宽带服务的专项调查,更深入、具体地反映互联网发展过程中的热点问题,使得这份报告受到来自业界人士和机构的广泛关注。
In November 2003, China Internet Hotspot Survey Report released by CNNIC was freshly released in the early winter season. The analysis of the broadband section shows that the broadband service clients in our country have been growing steadily and widely distributed and have become more and more popular. CNNIC publishes twice a year “China Internet Survey Report” has become the practice, the content is mainly from a macro perspective, a general description of the development of the Internet in China. The special survey on short message service and broadband service of the website conducted more detailed and concrete reflection of the hot issues in the development of the Internet, making the report aroused widespread concern from people and organizations in the industry.