
来源 :中华少年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lishicun2000
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本文从一个小学班主任的视角,从注重能力培养、建立足够的自信、挖掘学生的潜能等方面畅谈了创设班级社团的初衷,再从量力而行的社团类型设立、教师选择的不拘泥到社团日常管理的状态、团队共同成长等方面深入阐述了如何设立班级社团。最后对班级社团的发展和延伸都做了思考。实践出真知,语言朴实真挚。呼吁班主任们能从孩子的长远发展着想,透过班级社团这个载体,给所有孩子开启一扇扇属于它们自己的窗户,让他们亮堂自信地走上人生的道路! This article from the perspective of a primary school class director, talked about the original intention of the creation of class societies from the perspective of capacity-building, building adequate self-confidence, tap students potential, and then from the type of community groups established by force, teachers do not choose to adhere to the daily routine Management status, team growth and other aspects of how to set up class associations. Finally, thinking about the development and extension of the class community. Real knowledge, sincere and sincere language. We urge class leaders to think about the long-term development of their children and to open a window to their children through their own class community through this carrier of class associations so that they can embark on the path of life brightly and confidently!
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One afternoon a fox was walking through the forest and found there was a bunch of grapes (一串葡萄) over a very high and good-looking branch. “Just the thing to stop my thirst,” said the fox.  Taking a fe
導读:Peter聪明绝顶,经常对富人们甚至首领冷嘲热讽,不过尽管他们对他恨之入骨,欲除之而后快,可他总能化险为夷。  Once upon a time there lived a poor man, Peter by name. He was clever and often made jokes at rich people and even at the chief. So they did