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苏州工业园区胜浦街道党工委以党的十八大和十八届三中全会、四中全会精神为指导,深入贯彻习近平总书记系列讲话精神,根据园区区域一体化进程对街道发展的总定位,在撤镇建街道后职能转变的背景下,提出了建设“学习型、服务型、创新型、法治型、廉洁型”党组织的愿景。一、“五型”党组织的内涵学习型党组织。学习型党组织建设是“五型”党组织建设的基础工程。建设学习型党组织,必须以打造学习型党员为基础,以建设学习型领导班子为关键,通过不断创新党员、干部学习和社区教育的方式 Under the guidance of the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, the Party Working Committee of Shengpu Street in Suzhou Industrial Park thoroughly implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series speeches and guided the development of the streets according to the process of regional integration in the park In view of the change of functions after the withdrawal of towns and streets, the vision of building a “learning, service, innovation, rule of law, and clean” Party organization was put forward. First, “five types ” the connotation of the party organization learning party organization. The construction of learning party organizations is the basic project of “five types” of party organizations. The construction of a learning party organization must be based on the building of a learning party member and on the basis of building a learning leadership team. Through continuous innovations in the methods of party members, cadres and community education
7月1日,西藏自治区体委机关党委召开委系统党员大会,表彰了区登山队、区马术队等2个先进党支部和仁青平措等9名优秀共产党员。 区登山队党支部1991年由自治区党委评为“先进
该文记述了7种泰山林木粉虱的形态、寄主及危害特点。其中1种为中国新记录种,3种为山东省新记录种。 This paper describes the morphological, host and harmful characteristi
4 讨词要简短精练医学论文题名应高度概括文章主题,宜简短、精练,一般不超过20个汉字;外文题名不应超过10个实词。题名中应避免使用标点符号及非共识公知的缩短词、首字母缩
通过练内功阻止住了先科的下滑,但要把它推上去却有很大的难度,尤其是推上去的速度,因为它原先下滑的速度太快了,所以得借力。 However, it is very difficult to push it t
本文主要叙述了国外图书馆资源共享的现状及特点,并指出了国外图书馆资源共享给我国带来的启示。 This paper mainly describes the current situation and characteristics
匍地龙柏高干嫁接技术曲京朗,赵松宁,宋坤,于刚(乳山市林业局,264500)匍地龙柏Sabinachinensiscv.‘kaizucaprocumbens’是庐山植物园发现的一个圆柏变种。针叶、鳞叶兼有,无直立主干,它匍地生长,婉然如龙,是制作盆景... Cunning