维修与可靠性专业学会(SMRP)根据会员和工业界的需要,首先开发维修与可靠性(M&R)专业名词的标准化工作。这项工作由SMRP最佳经验委员会负责实施。这个委员会已经开发了衡量关键M&R业绩方法的定义,即通常所说的指标。通过小组讨论一致同意和有关专家的全面审查,包括利用网络调研,这些指标已经成为SMRP标准。因此,当寻找最佳经验时,这些标准可用于标准评定法(Benchmarking Process)中。
The Society of Maintenance and Reliability Professionals (SMRP) first developed the standardization of M & R terminology based on the needs of members and industry. This work is carried out by the SMRP Best Practices Committee. This committee has developed definitions of key M & R performance measures, commonly referred to as indicators. Through the unanimous panel discussion and a comprehensive review of relevant experts, including the use of web research, these indicators have become SMRP standards. Therefore, when looking for the best experience, these standards are used in the Benchmarking Process.