Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition during the L2 Reading Process

来源 :校园英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wei_357
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This paper discusses the previous and current research including different hypotheses or models towards incidental vocabulary acquisition and English reading, revealing some factors affecting incidental vocabulary acquisition in English reading process for native Chinese learners, and finally clarifies some strategies on incidental vocabulary acquisition through English reading. This paper discusses the previous and current research including different hypotheses or models towards incidental vocabulary acquisition and English reading, revealing some factors affecting incidental vocabulary acquisition in English reading process for native Chinese learners, and finally clarifies some strategies on incidental vocabulary acquisition through English reading.
【Abstract】It has long been a hot topic for learners to study the relationships between language and culture. This paper will concentrate on the relationships between language and culture to study the
【摘要】探究动物英文名的三大特殊用法,并借助字母表顺序的策略学习动物英文名,从而实现“高效课堂”。  【键词】动物英文名用法 字母表顺序 学习策略 高效课堂  一、引言  不论学习哪种语言,绝大多数学习者首先接触和学习的内容是动物名称,因为动物是最接地气的“好素材”、最贴近生活的 “活教材”,便于学习者了解和掌握,所以有人把动物名称(词汇)的学习称作是语言学习的“启蒙教材”。由此可见,在英语学习过
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Ergative sentence is considered as a special pattern, has received lots of attention in both western and Chinese linguistics. The thesis systematically make a c
【摘要】在基于语料库的语言研究中,“Smart”和“Clever”对比研究比较少见。本文基于英国国家语料库(BNC)的语料,采用定量分析的方法,利用形容词-名词结构(简作“形-名”结构),从语义韵和词项搭配的角度,研究“Smart N”與“Clever N”之间形容词词义的差异。研究发现如下:名词搭配不同,Clever与Smart词义不同,语义韵存在差异。  【关键词】Clever Smart 语
【摘要】在互联网尤其发达的今日,人们生活在大数据及信息爆炸的一个时代,网络流行语层出不穷,但是人们真正理解了并且会用的网络流行语又有多少?为了帮助人们对网络流行语有一个更深层次的理解,作者将从认知语境的角度以2016年网络流行语“蓝瘦香菇”为列,分析其认知语境构建与运用。  【关键词】网络流行语 蓝瘦香菇 认知语境 构建  【Abstract】Nowadays, the internet is p
近年来由于缺硼引起作物减产的现象比较严重,黑龙江省讷河市以及附近的其他市县,1999年曾发生了大面积的大豆落花落荚现象,给农业造成严重的经济损失。通过土壤分析以及田间观察,初步确定同微量元素硼有关。因此我们有必要选择讷河当地常用基因型大豆,研究它们对缺硼的敏感性,以及不同提取剂提取硼的植物有效性,以便为合理施用硼肥和指导农业生产服务。 试验结果表明: 1.一定的施硼范围内,品种间的株高