
来源 :湖北农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:blackcat
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在油—稻—稻种植的地区,晚稻收割后栽油菜,由于受气候、劳力的限制,翻耕整地往往很难按时突击完成,致使油菜移栽季节推迟,产量倍受影响。江陵县纪南公社拍马大队为了解决这一问题,从1980年开始试种稻板田油莱,即晚稻收后不翻耕整地而栽植油莱,1982年发展到387亩,平均亩产315.7斤,创造了历史单产最高纪录。稻板田栽菜油的好处是:①能抓住季节,抢早移栽,利用前期高温,促进油菜早生快发;②减少工序,节省生产投资,较好解决了争时、争劳力的矛盾;③不受整地时的气候影响,菜苗成活率高。 In oil-rice-rice planting areas, the cultivation of late rice after harvest of rapeseed late due to climate and labor constraints, tillage preparation is often difficult to timely completion of raids, resulting in rapeseed transplanting season, the output is greatly affected. Jiangling County Ji Nan commune flapping brigade in order to solve this problem, from 1980 began trial rice paddy field Lai Lai, that is, late rice after harvest without land preparation and planting oil Lai, developed to 387 acres in 1982, the average yield of 315.7 kg , Created the highest record of historical yield. The benefits of paddy field vegetable oil is: ① to seize the season, grab early transplanting, the use of pre-high temperature, early rape to promote rapid hair; ② reduce the process and save production investment, a better solution to the conflict, fighting labor conflicts; ③ from the time of land preparation climate, vegetable seedling survival rate is high.
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