
来源 :兵团建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:newrevon
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在全国掀起学习江泽民同志“七一”重要讲话热潮之际,笔者对农九师11个农牧团场102个农牧连队进行了抽样调查。调查中发现,尽管农牧连队基层党组织在新形势下积极探索,在市场经济条件下加强党建工作取得了一定经验和成绩,但仍有一些客观的现实问题摆在我们面前,有待于我们共同探讨。一、连队党支部建设存在的主要问题(一)部分党支部成员的观念不能适应体制变化的需要。计划经济时期,兵团肩负着屯垦戍边的使命,农牧连队种的是政治田、生产田,书记在连队中处于核心地位。随着“两费”自理、租赁承包等改革的不断深入,农牧连队实行党支部领导下的连长负责制,连长 While conducting an important speech boom in Comrade Jiang Zemin and “July 1” across the country, the author conducted a sample survey of 102 agro-animal husbandry corps in 11 agricultural and pastoral circles of Nongjiu division. The survey found that although the grass-roots party organizations of the agricultural herdsmen have made active explorations under the new situation and gained some experience and achievements in strengthening the Party building work in the market economy, there are still some objective and realistic problems before us and we still need to work together Discussion. I. Main Problems in the Construction of the Party Branch of the Ties (I) The concept of some Party branch members can not meet the needs of institutional changes. During the planned economy, the Corps was entrusted with the task of stationing garrison and guarding the frontiers. The farming herdsmen planted the fields of politics and production and the secretary was at the core of the company. With the “two fees ” take care of themselves, leasing contract and other reforms continue to deepen the implementation of agriculture and animal husbandry company under the leadership of the party branch company commander in chief responsibility system, company commander
这是一个风云激荡的时代;这是一个机会频生、奇迹迭出的时代;这是一个人人都渴望成功而且极有可能成功的时代。于是,就有了对成功之路的空前追索。 It is an era of turbule
目的 :分析与探讨狂犬咬伤者接种狂犬疫苗的临床效果.方法 :随机抽取本院收治的被狂犬咬伤的72例患者,并且随机采集42份狂犬的暴露脑组织标本,然后利用一系列医学检测技术例
目的 :宫颈癌的早期诊断和预防的探讨.方法 :选取宫颈癌筛查女性1083例,对宫颈癌的知识进行教育普及,同时对疑似宫颈癌进行检测并诊断.观察癌前病变的发生率,原位癌的发生率
1 病例资料rn患者男,53岁.1月前无明显诱因8d未解大便,伴腹胀、暖气,无腹痛、发热,15d前自觉乏力,食欲减退,发病以来体质量减轻6 kg.肠镜:结肠脾曲粘膜内多量巨噬细胞聚集,内
目的 :探讨连续性与间歇性血液透析治疗肾衰竭的应用效果.方法 :选取我院2017年4月-2018年5月期间收治的肾衰竭患者60例为研究对象,分成两组,对照组为患者应用间歇性血液透析