To determine the amount of thermoluminescence accumulated in ancient pottery when thermochronometry was used to determine the age of the pottery, it was first necessary to determine the amount of natural radioactive material present in the pottery that produced this dose. This is an important part of the study on the cementation of ceramsite. U, Th, ~ (40) K, ~ (87) Rb are naturally occurring radionuclides whose annual dose rates given for their radioactivity are listed in Table 1. As can be seen from Table 1, uranium contributes the most to the annual dose rate among the five natural radioactive mother nuclei. The natural abundance of ~ (238) U is extremely high. In uranium, radon is a gas that is likely to escape from the clay. As can be seen from Table 2, the contributions of radon and its daughters to the annual dose rate account for a large proportion. Therefore, the determination of annual dose rate, radon escape or not, is indeed one of the key. Based on the radon movement in the soil, VSDesai et al. Arranged an experiment to determine radon in pottery and found that radon emissions were as high as 40% under soil drying conditions and in wet conditions due to radon dissolution, Scattered less. In addition, the emission of radon is also related to the type of pottery.