In the summer of 1934, under the guidance of the negative defensive guideline of Wang Ming’s “leftist” opportunism, the Fifth Red Army’s “encirclement and suppression campaign” of the Central Soviet Area continued to lose its ground. The central base area was gradually reduced and the Red Army lost itself completely The possibility of crushing enemy “encirclement and suppression” in the base area. The Soviet Red Army in the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union in Hubei, Henan, and Anhui Provinces were also under siege by the enemy and were in critical condition. Under such circumstances, the First, Fourth and Second Forces of the Red Army had to implement their strategic shift from their respective bases in October 1934, April and November 1935 respectively. Among them, the first Red Army (the Central Red Army) runs eleven provinces vertically and horizontally and travels 25,000 miles. Three aspects of the military grams