Bcklund Transformation and Localized Coherent Structure for the (2+1)-Dimensional Asymmetric Niz

来源 :Journal of Shanghai University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leiyang000
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This article is concerned with the extended homogeneous balance method for studying the abundant localized solution structure of the (2+1) dimensional asymmetric Nizhnik Novikov Veselov equation. A B a¨ cklund transformation was first obtained, and then the richness of the localized coherent structures was found, which was caused by the entrance of two variable separated arbitrary functions, in the model. For some special choices of the arbitrary functions, it is shown that the localized structures of the model may be dromions, lumps, and ring solitons. This article is concerned with the extended homogeneous balance method for studying the abundant localized solution structure of the (2 + 1) dimensional asymmetric Nizhnik Novikov Veselov equation. AB a¨Cklund transformation was first obtained, and then the richness of the localized coherent structures was found, which was caused by the entrance of two variable separated arbitrary functions, in the model. For some special choices of the arbitrary functions, it is shown that the localized structures of the model may be dromions, lumps, and ring solitons.
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