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浙江省玉环县汽摩配行业经过30多年的发展,已成为全县的支柱产业。目前,全县汽摩配生产企业近3000家,从业人员10万余人,2002年实现产值达80亿元,占了全县工业总产值的1/3,实现出口产值5亿元。今年全行业总产值可望达100亿元,出口产值突破8亿元,玉环不但成为中国目前最大的汽摩配生产制造基地,而且也成为一个极具发展潜力的汽摩配出口基地。迈向21世纪,如何加大力度、规范引导、扶持提升,把产业做得更大更强,实现产业战略性结构升级,这对玉环打造先进制造业基地,提升城市经济品牌,更好融人国际国内汽摩工业及市场大发展,具有十分重要的现实意义。 After more than 30 years of development, Yuhuan County Automobile and Motorcycle Industry in Zhejiang Province has become the pillar industry of the county. At present, there are nearly 3000 automobile and motorcycle manufacturing enterprises in the county with more than 100,000 employees. In 2002, the output value reached 8 billion yuan, accounting for one-third of the total industrial output value of the county, and the output value of exports reached 500 million yuan. This year the industry output is expected to reach 10 billion yuan, export value exceeded 800 million yuan, Yuhuan not only become China’s largest automobile and motorcycle manufacturing base, but also become a great potential for the development of automobile and motorcycle export base. Toward the 21st century, how to step up efforts to standardize guidance, support and upgrade, make the industry bigger and stronger, to achieve strategic upgrading of the industrial structure, which Yuhuan build advanced manufacturing base, enhance the city economy brand, better integration International and domestic automobile and motorcycle industry and market development, has very important practical significance.
最近,全球领先的电力和自动化技术集团ABB公司从浙江省嘉兴电厂获得一份价值1100万美元的订单,该订单是为嘉兴电厂二期工程提供高压气体绝缘开关设备,内容 Recently, ABB,
GH在研究、开发和制造工业淬火工艺、回火、标准化、锻造、填料焊接等领域的电感加热设备已经有40多年的历史。GH开发了电感加热领域的大多数现代技术,诸如晶体管电 GH has
According to the National Information Center, the influence of SARS upon car sales in the second quarter is negative, especially with regard to institutional c