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制度理论认为企业只有遵守国家的相关法律法规才能正常运转,国家制度深刻影响企业行为与决策。在国家环境法规日益严格、环境标准日益提高的今天,林业企业需要深化绿色创新,生产更加环保的产品,以培育竞争优势,满足顾客和社会各方的生态需求,提高财务绩效。综合国內外研究,本文基于制度理论,通过对比绿色创新企业与非绿色的林业创新企业,剖析绿色创新与财务绩效的关系,并讨论环境法规的严格性与环境标准的调节作用。研究结论为林业企业的决策者与林业政策制定者提供了理论支持与管理建议。 Institutional theory that companies only comply with the relevant laws and regulations in order to work properly, the state system has a profound impact on corporate behavior and decision-making. With the increasingly stringent national environmental regulations and ever-increasing environmental standards, forestry enterprises need to deepen green innovation and produce more environmentally-friendly products so as to foster competitive advantages and meet the ecological needs of consumers and all sectors of the society and improve their financial performance. Based on the domestic and international researches, based on the institutional theory, this paper analyzes the relationship between green innovation and financial performance by comparing green innovative enterprises and non-green forestry innovation enterprises, and discusses the regulatory effect of environmental regulations and environmental standards. The conclusions of the study provide theoretical support and management suggestions for decision makers and forestry policy makers in forestry enterprises.
在当今美国影坛上,能称霸好莱坞的第一辣妹,当属女影星凯瑟琳·泽塔琼斯。今年33岁的泽塔琼斯虽已为人妻、为人母,但她那撩人心魄的眼神,乌黑飘逸的长发,凹凸有形的身材,和极具女人味的服饰,让全球无数的影迷几乎为之癫狂。    “丑”女的演艺之路    1969年9月25日,凯瑟琳·泽塔琼斯出生于英国威尔士海边一个风景旖旎的小镇里。她是家中的独生女,父亲是一家糖果公司的普通职员,母亲则是一位标准的家庭主
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