患者男 ,44岁。因左侧鼻塞 ,血性鼻涕 3月 ,近半月左侧头面部及眼部疼痛 ,于 2 0 0 0年 9月 6日入院。查体见左鼻腔粘膜轻度充血 ,有一灰白色、坏死性肿物 ,表面不光滑 ,活动 ,触之易出血 ,左上颌窦、筛窦区压痛。CT扫描示左鼻腔软组织肿物 ,左上颌窦、筛窦密度增高。临床诊?
Male patient, 44 years old. Due to the left nasal congestion, bloody nose runny March, nearly a half months left head and face and eye pain, on September 6, 2000 admission. Examination of the left nasal mucosa mild congestion, there is a gray, necrotic tumor, the surface is not smooth, activity, easy to touch the bleeding, left maxillary sinus, ethmoid area tenderness. CT scan showed left nasal soft tissue mass, left maxillary sinus, ethmoid density increased. Clinical diagnosis?