对 1991- 1998年、1991- 1995年、1996 - 1998年各阶段世界竞走运动的发展状况进行了分析 ,结果表明 :1995年底竞走定义的修改并未对世界竞走运动的发展产生不良影响 ,反而更加促进了世界竞走运动的健康发展。展望今后世界竞走运动发展的新思路 :充分利用竞走运动的特殊性和人体生物力学界限标准及比赛中裁判员的判罚界限标准进行训练和比赛 ;改善和提高训练、比赛的方法、手段 ,特别是高原训练的方法、手段 ;完善赛前运动员运动能力的控制和比赛中走动节奏的控制 ;更加重视科学选材及心理训练和恢复训练等都将是今后世界竞走运动发展的趋势。
The analysis of the development of the world walking in all stages of 1991-1998, 1991-1995 and 1996-1998 showed that the definition of walking at the end of 1995 did not adversely affect the development of the world walking race, but even more Promote the healthy development of the world walking race. Looking forward to the new thinking of the development of walking race in the world in the future: make full use of the particularity of race walking and the limit standard of human biomechanics and the referee’s standard of judgment and limits for training and competition; and the methods and means of improving and enhancing training and competition, especially The methods and means of plateau training, the improvement of control over the athletic ability of athletes before the competition and the control of the walking pace in the competition, the more emphasis on scientific material selection, psychological training and recovery training will all be the trend of the development of the world’s walking race in the future.