▲原材料的准备和处理 1、腐叶土腐叶土是用水杉林和松树林的秋冬季落叶表层土(树叶较细的其他树种也可以,松针较长的须剪碎),堆集、加肥、腐熟发酵,来年使用。另外,腐叶土中生物碱含量较高,呈微碱性反应,使用时需根据植物种类加以调整,如加入一些硫磺粉来降低pH值。 2、园土之类园土、蛭石、珍珠岩等需过筛除杂质,蛭石、珍珠
▲ preparation and processing of raw materials 1, rotting leaves Rotting leaves of the soil is the use of Metasequoia forest and pine forest in the fall and winter deciduous topsoil (thinner tree other species can, pine needles longer to be broken), heap, add fertilizer, Maturity fermentation, the following year. In addition, the higher content of alkaloids in the leaf mold, slightly alkaline reaction, when used according to plant species to be adjusted, such as adding some sulfur powder to reduce the pH value. 2, garden soil and the like, vermiculite, perlite, etc. need to sieve removal of impurities, vermiculite, pearl