1、绪言要提高船坞的作业效率,不消说,船坞必须有好的形状和机能,而且必须是安全和经济的结构,最经济合理的结构是与其地形条件,地基的地质条件相适应的结构,亦即充分有效地利用地形地基的特性设计出来的. 从回填完成,前后数次对日立造船公司堺工厂坞址地基进行了调查研究,与此同时,对作用于船坞上的诸外力和土的强度、承载力、工程的可能性和施工方法等进行了研究.为了找出船坞的最经济的结构,对11种结构型式进行了试设计,从各方面进行了比较研究.
1. INTRODUCTION In order to improve the operational efficiency of docks, it goes without saying that docks must have good shape and function, and must be safe and economical structures. The most economical and rational structure is a structure that is compatible with the topography and geological conditions of the foundation. That is, fully and effectively using the characteristics of terrain and foundation designed from the completion of backfill, before and after several days of Hitachi shipyard dock factory site investigation, at the same time, on the dock on the force and soil Strength, bearing capacity, possibility of engineering and construction methods, etc. In order to find out the most economical structure of the dock, 11 kinds of structure types were designed and tested from all aspects.