当今报业重复建设的现象在报业繁荣的背后已初现端倪。由此引发的如火如荼的报业之战是一种相对理性的竞争,还是一场恶性竞争的开始,现在下结论可能为时尚早,但我们必须对这种以外延扩张为特征的报业繁荣保持清醒和理智。 今年二三月间,又有两份报纸相继在武汉创刊。至此,在三镇对峙的江城武汉,已有7种本埠日报竞相逐鹿。它们是,湖北日报社所属的《湖北日报》及子报《楚天都市报》、《市场指南报》;长江日报社所属的《长江日报》及子报《武汉晨报》;武汉晚报社所属的《武汉晚报》及子报《今日快报》。加上《文化报》、《信息时报》等多家非日报性质的报纸,武汉已有48
The phenomenon of repeated construction of newspaper industry has begun to emerge behind the prosperity of the newspaper industry. The resulting war in newspapers in full swing is a relatively rational competition, or the beginning of a vicious competition. It may be too early to conclude, but we must maintain the prosperity of the newspaper industry characterized by the expansion of outreach Awake and sensible. In February and March of this year, two other newspapers were started in Wuhan one after another. At this point, in the confrontation of the three towns in Wuhan, there are already seven kinds of daily newspapers competing for results. They are the “Hubei Daily” and the subordinate “Chutian Metropolis Daily” and the “Market Guide” owned by Hubei Daily, the “Changjiang Daily” and the “Wuhan Morning Post” owned by the Changjiang Daily, the Wuhan Morning Post owned by the Wuhan Evening Post “Wuhan Evening News” and sub-newspaper “Today Express.” With “Culture Daily”, “Information Times” and many other non-newspaper nature of newspapers, Wuhan has 48