
来源 :玉米科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bxinliy
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分析9个不同玉米人工合成群体的遗传多样性、产量一般配合力(GCA)表现及两者之间的联系。结果表明,筛选出的30对覆盖玉米基因组的SSR引物在9个群体中共扩增出189个等位基因,每个SSR位点的等位基因数为3~12个,平均6.3个。9个群体中,06P1的多态位点数相对较高,群体GP-5的基因型数在所有供试群体中最为丰富。群体有效等位基因数、实际等位基因数和期望基因杂合度的比较结果表明,9个供试群体有效等位基因数的平均值都较大,遗传相似系数相对较小,说明这些群体遗传变异度较高;群体遗传多样性指数的分析结果表明,群体内的遗传变异远大于群体间的遗传差异;产量GCA分析结果表明,群体06P7和06P8表现最优。综合分析SSR标记的各项遗传参数及产量GCA,群体06P1、06P4、06P5和GP-5是遗传变异相对较为丰富的基础群体;群体遗传变异度大小与产量GCA高低并无必然的联系。群体比较结果表明,按田间表现选择3~4个单交种合成小群体同样可以得到遗传变异较丰富且产量GCA较高的基础群体。 The genetic diversity, yield GCA performance and the relationship between the nine synthetic populations of nine different corn cultivars were analyzed. The results showed that a total of 189 SSR primers were screened from 30 pairs of SSR primers covering maize genome in 9 populations. The number of alleles per SSR locus was 3 to 12 with an average of 6.3. Of the 9 populations, the number of polymorphic loci of 06P1 was relatively high, and the number of GP-5 genotypes was the most abundant in all tested populations. The results of comparison of the number of effective alleles, actual alleles and expected heterozygosity of the populations showed that the average number of effective alleles of the nine tested populations was large and the genetic similarity coefficient was relatively small, indicating that the genetic diversity of these populations The analysis of population genetic diversity index showed that the genetic variation in the population was far greater than the genetic differences among the populations. The results of GCA analysis showed that the populations 06P7 and 06P8 performed best. Comprehensive analysis of genetic parameters and yield GCA of SSR markers indicated that population 06P1,06P4,06P5 and GP-5 were relatively rich in genetic variation. There was no correlation between population genetic variation and GCA yield. The results of population comparison showed that selecting 3 to 4 small cross-breeding populations according to field performance could also obtain the same basic population with rich genetic variation and high yield of GCA.
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