从引文数量、类型、语种、年代等对《山东体育学院学报》(1998— 2 0 0 2 )发表的 5 5 2篇论文的 2 96 1篇引文进行了统计分析 ,并和本文作者 1998年发表的《1988- 1997年〈山东体育学院学报〉引文分析》进行了比较。结果显示 :《山东体育学院学报》已经形成比较合理的引文文献型和语种分布 ,引文文献年限趋于新颖性 ,各种引文数据基本符合科技类期刊的引文规范 ;篇均引文量 (4 .96篇 )比 1988— 1997年有明显提高 ,但与国内外科技期刊仍存在差距 ,外文引文率较低(15 .70 % ) ,自引率低。
A total of 2 961 citations of 522 papers published in Journal of Shandong Institute of Physical Education (1998-2002) were analyzed from the number, type, language and age of citation and published in 1998 Citation Analysis of Journal of Shandong Institute of Physical Education from 1988 to 1997. The results show that: Journal of Shandong Institute of Physical Education has formed a relatively reasonable citation type and language distribution, citation literature tended to be novel, the citation data basically consistent with the citation standard of science and technology journals; citation per document (4.96 Compared with the periodicals at home and abroad, there is still a gap between the period of 1988 and 1997, with a low rate of foreign citations (15.7%) and a low self-citation rate.