芦苇(Phragmites australis)是白洋淀水陆交错带区域典型的湿地植物,其具有庞大的地下根状茎,面积约6000hm2。2011年11月,在白洋淀马堡村苇地采集了土壤和芦苇根状茎样品;依据等级结构等指标,将芦苇根状茎分为3个年龄组;对不同年龄组芦苇根状茎中氮和磷含量进行了测定,并分别计算了氮磷比率和生物富集系数。结果表明,0~1a年龄组的芦苇根状茎中氮和磷含量分别为0.700%~1.297%和0.054%~0.122%;2~3a年龄组的芦苇根状茎中氮和磷含量分别为0.718%~0.911%和0.063%~0.084%;>3a年龄组的芦苇根状茎中氮和磷含量分别为0.460%~0.663%和0.025%~0.069%。对比年龄为0~1a、2~3a和>3a的白洋淀马堡村芦苇根状茎氮和磷含量发现,总体上,随着芦苇根状茎年龄的增加,其氮和磷含量在减少。在0~100cm土壤深度中,各年龄组的芦苇根状茎氮含量与磷含量显著相关(p<0.05)。与磷元素相比,氮元素是白洋淀马堡村芦苇生长的主要限制因子。白洋淀马堡村芦苇根状茎中的氮和磷元素的富集系数大体上随着根状茎年龄的增加而减小,这可能与不同年龄芦苇根状茎的代谢能力有关。
Phragmites australis is a typical wetland plant in the land-sea ecotone of Baiyangdian with a large underground rhizome with an area of about 6000hm2. In November 2011, soil and reed rhizome samples were collected from Reedbeds in Maobo village, Baiyangdian, The rhizomes of Phragmites communis were divided into three age groups according to the indexes of rank structure. The content of nitrogen and phosphorus in the rhizomes of Phragmites communis was determined at different age groups. The nitrogen and phosphorus ratio and bioaccumulation coefficient were calculated respectively. The results showed that the contents of nitrogen and phosphorus in reed rhizomes from 0 to 1a were 0.700% -1.297% and 0.054% -0.122%, respectively. The contents of nitrogen and phosphorus in reed rhizomes from 0 to 1a were 0.718 % ~ 0.911% and 0.063% ~ 0.084%, respectively. The content of nitrogen and phosphorus in reed rhizome of> 3a group were 0.460% -0.663% and 0.025% -0.069%, respectively. Comparing the nitrogen and phosphorus content in the rhizome of Phragmites communis in the age of 0 ~ 1a, 2 ~ 3a and> 3a, the nitrogen and phosphorus content of the reed rhizome decreased with the increase of the rhizome age. In 0-100 cm soil depth, nitrogen content in rhizome of reed rhizome was significantly correlated with phosphorus content in all age groups (p <0.05). Compared with phosphorus element, nitrogen element is the main limiting factor of Phragmites australis growth in Maobo village of Baiyangdian. The enrichment coefficients of nitrogen and phosphorus in reed rhizome of Maobo village in Baiyangdian Lake generally decreased with the increase of rhizome age, which may be related to the metabolic capacity of rhizomes of reed rhizome at different ages.