广州地处五岭以南,濒临大海,同时又是珠江的出海口,水陆交通发达,自古以来就是我国对外贸易的重要通道,是“海上丝绸之路”的重要起点。早在明代,广州就已经称为“百货之肆,五都之市”,对外贸易相当发达。 在各类出口商品中,陶瓷一直最受欢迎。当时欧洲人士对中国瓷器的喜爱不亚于奇珍异宝。为了满足贸易需要,瓷器商人便在
Located in the south of Wuling Mountain, Guangzhou is on the verge of the sea. At the same time, it is the estuary of the Pearl River. With its developed water and land transportation, it has been an important channel for China’s foreign trade since ancient times and an important starting point for the “Maritime Silk Road.” As early as the Ming Dynasty, Guangzhou was already known as “Stores of Four Stores and Five Capital Cities” and quite well-developed foreign trade. Ceramics has always been the most popular among all types of export products. At that time, European people loved Chinese porcelain as much as exotic treasures. In order to meet the trade needs, porcelain merchants will be