完形填空专练 (一)

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  I was watching Tommy playing with his classmates outside our third grade room. Soon his parents, who had recently separated, would arrive for his poor schoolwork and naughty behavior. Neither knew that I had called1 .
  Tommy had always been happy, cooperative and an excellent student. How could I2his father and mother that his recent3grades resulted from his adored parents’ separation?
  Tommy’s4entered and took one of the chairs I had placed near my desk. Soon,the father arrived. Good! 5they were concerned enough to be here on time. A look of 6and anger passed between them, and then they ignored each other.
  As I gave a detailed 7of Tommy’s behavior and schoolwork, I 8to find the right words to bring these two together, to help them 9what they were doing to their son. But somehow the words wouldn’t come. Perhaps if they saw one of his dirty, carelessly done 10 .
  I found a crumpled (皱巴巴) tearstained sheet in the back of his desk, an English paper. Writing covered both sides. It was not the assignment, but a single 11scribbled (潦草的) over and over.
  Silently I gave it to Tommy’s mother. She read it and then without a word 12it to her husband. He frowned. Then his face softened. He 13the scribbled words for what seemed a long time.
  At last he 14the paper carefully, placed it in his pocket, and 15for his wife’s outstretched (伸出的) hand. She wiped the tears and smiled up at him. My own eyes were 16 , but neither seemed to 17 . He helped her with her coat and they left together.
  In a way I could not fully understand I got the words to reunite that 18 . But I could fully understand the scribbled words, “Dear Mom...Dear Daddy...I love you...I love you...”
  I could 19describe my feelings at that moment, but I finally understood that it is20that makes the world go around.
  1. A. othersB. anotherC. the otherD. other
  2. A. askB. expectC. demandD. convince
  3. A. increasingB. failing C. fadingD. growing
  4. A. fatherB. motherC. teacher D. classmate
  5. A. For once B. In all C. At most D. At least
  6. A. surpriseB. horrorC. silence D. guilt
  7. A. informationB. account  C. suggestion D. instruction
  8. A. hadB. managed  C triedD. happened
  9. A. share B. reviewC. considerD. see
  10. A. papersB. documents C. experimentsD. researches
  11. A. word B. sentenceC. saying D. letter
  12. A. handedB. read C. wroteD. sold
  13. A. studiedB. performedC. memorizedD. learnt
  14. A. toreB. folded C. watchedD. corrected
  15. A. lookedB. headed C. reachedD. searched
  16. A. openB. wetC. happy D. red
  17. A. notice B. recognizeC. concernD. care
  18. A. schoolB. familyC. classD. student
  19. A. onlyB. always C. everD. hardly
  20. A. tears B. teachers C. papersD. love
   1—5 CDBBD6—10 ABCDA11—15 BAABC16—20 BABDD
一、篇章结构  篇章结构,是构成文章的框架,是作者对写作材料进行恰当和有序的组织和安排,也是作者思想或观点的展现。因此,把握文章的篇章结构和脉络,理解文章各段落层次之间的关系,弄清作者的写作意图和方法,将有益于我们对文章的理解和提高阅读与写作的成效。因此,在各例考卷中也常见到此类题型。  如何更有效构建和分析文章的篇章结构  1. 了解不同文体,把握写作意图和技巧  众所周知,文章的篇章结构受到不
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一、考情扫描  类别2014年2013年2012年  考点分布  原文词汇456  转换词汇644  概括性词汇1  答案不唯一题数97  原文总词数(不含汉字)405392434  命题总词数(含10个空格)14896140  题型树状图树状图树状图  二、考点分析  考点一、原文词汇  1.命题特点:此类题考查考生捕捉文中信息的能力。常占总题量的50%左右,难度不大,关键是信息的定位与筛选。 
你是不是经常有这样的烦恼:解题时“会而不对,对而不全”,明明是自己会做的题,却得分不多,甚至“颗粒无收”.不必烦恼,本文将借你一双慧眼,带你盘点高中数学中常见的错误,分析各种易错题的类型,找出解题中的错误所在,研究改正错误的方法,从中吸取教训,提高数学素养,让你笑对高考.  数学解题是我们借助特定“数学语言”进行数学思维的过程,在这个过程中我们的数学知识结构和数学思维习惯起着决定性的作用.个体思维
【摘 要】 大学出版社党支部具有高校和国有企业党支部的双重属性,既要做好新形势下的宣传思想工作,服务好高校教学科研管理的各项任务,又要将党建工作与出版业务有机融合,发挥党建引领作用,带领群众协同发展。中国农业大学出版社党支部坚持使命引领和问题导向相统一,在举旗帜、聚民心、育新人、兴文化、展形象5个方面开展党建和“三农”相关领域出版业务有机融合的实践探索,充分发挥党建核心引领作用。  【关键词】 大