城建档案保证金的取消,是对我们城建档案部门的一个严峻考验。绍兴市城建档案馆与全国其它城市的城建档案部门一样,在困难面前,不怨天忧人,不彷惶消沉,而是在上级主管部门的领导下,通过自身的不懈努力,使城建档案工作呈现出了新的景象,取得了令人欣喜的成绩。近年来,我馆着重抓了以下几方面的工作: 一 抓好源头控制工作,促进城建档案管理 国家规定取消城建档案保证金的消息传来后,还未等当地物价部门发出停止收费的通知,我馆就
The cancellation of urban construction archives security deposit is a severe test for our urban construction archives department. Like the urban construction archives departments of other cities in the country, Shaoxing Urban Construction Archives does not complain about days of anxiety and anxiety but does not despair. Instead, under the leadership of higher authorities, through its own unremitting efforts, the urban construction archives work Showing a new scene, has made gratifying achievements. In recent years, the museum focused on the following aspects: First, do a good job of source control, and promote urban construction archives management provisions of the State Construction Archives canceled the message of deposit, the local price department has not yet issued a notice to stop charging, I Museum on