从问题出发 用业绩说话 灵诺致中国企业公开信

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各位企业界的朋友:看到这封信时,如果您的企业正兴旺发达、后动十足,我由衷地祝贺您!中国太需要这样的企业了!同时,请把这封信放到一边,省下时间干更重要的事。如果您正在为企业营销广告方面的问题发愁。我郑重地建议您:看下去。您的企业有没有这样的难题问题一:历史悠久的老品牌,但每年也就卖个几千万,很难再上台阶。问题二:新品牌,想在一两年内迅速崛起,先达到盈亏平衡点,再迅速赢利。问题三:销售现状不错,但品牌灰头土脸,无法延展、提升、不知道如何与时俱进。问题四:同类产品竞争惨烈。虽在第一方阵,但力不从心,眼看就要被挤出去了。问题五:新产品,已迅速打开市场,获得了超高销量。但如何保住大好局面,心里没底。只要是真正把企业当事业来做的,这些问题都非解决不可,总要给员工、给社会、更给自己一个交待吧!是的,您可能早就想到了要借“外脑”,一个好汉三个帮嘛。可是,“外脑”的优劣往往很难判断,确有本事的和“卖野药”的脸上都没写着字……您可以找灵诺灵诺之所以敢向您发出邀请,是因为我们面对过、解决过这样的难题,帮助客户赢得过骄人的业绩。比如:老品牌怎样上台阶?98年,青春宝药业的青春宝片正在走下坡路,年销量仅四千多万,几乎要被放弃。灵诺经过慎重的调研和剖析,提出“倚老卖老”的核心策略,变青春宝片的“老旧”为“值钱”!业绩:合作三年,销量翻三番。目前还在以40%的速度持续增长,被业界视为奇迹。再比如:激烈竞争下,怎样不被挤出第一方阵?民生药业的21金雏他,原为维生素类药物第一方阵的“老三”,面对资金强大的对手,很难长期支撑。灵诺以中国特色的整合策略,提出两大基本路线。第一,要走出一条新路,向维生素以外更大的市场要增长。第二,屏弃同类产品的一贯诉求,改为从症状出发,让消费者对号入座。 Ladies and gentlemen of business: When you see this letter, if your business is booming and moving, I sincerely congratulate you! China too need such a business! At the same time, please put this letter aside, Save time and do more important things. If you are marketing advertising for the business to worry about. I solemnly recommend you: look down. Your business there is no such problem One: a long history of the old brand, but also sell tens of millions each year, it is difficult to go to the next level. Question two: the new brand, want to rise rapidly in a year or two, first reach the breakeven point, and then quickly profit. Question three: sales status is good, but the brand depressed, unable to extend, upgrade, do not know how to advance with the times. Question four: fierce competition in similar products. Although the first phalanx, but powerless, seeing is about to be squeezed out. Five questions: new products, has quickly opened the market, access to high sales. But how to keep a good situation, my heart did not end. As long as the real business to do when the business, these problems are not resolved, always give employees, to the community, give yourself a deal with it! Yes, you may have thought of long ago to borrow “foreign brain”, a Three good guys help. However, the “foreign brain” is often difficult to judge the pros and cons, do have the ability and “selling wild medicine” did not write the word on the face ... ... You can find Lingnuo Linuo why you dare to send an invitation is Because we have faced before, solve such problems, to help customers win impressive performance. For example: how the old brand on the stage? 98 years, Youth Medicine Po young film is on the decline, the annual sales of only 40 million, almost to be abandoned. After careful study and analysis, Linuo proposed the core strategy of “relying on the old and selling the old” and turned “old” into a “precious” piece of youth. Performance: Three years after the cooperation, sales volume tripled. It is still a 40% rate of sustained growth, the industry as a miracle. Another example: fierce competition, how not to be squeezed out of the first phalanx? Minsheng Pharmaceutical 21 gold he was originally the first phalanx vitamin drugs, “the youngest” in the face of financially strong opponents, it is difficult Long-term support. Linguo integrated strategy with Chinese characteristics, put forward two basic lines. First, there is a need to go beyond a new path to grow to larger markets outside vitamins. Second, abandonment of the consistent appeal of similar products, instead of starting from the symptoms, so that consumers condemnation.
目的研究载顺铂转铁蛋白长循环脂质体(transferrin modified cisplatin—loaded long circulating liposome,Tf-LDDP)对肺癌A549小鼠移植瘤的抑制作用。方法采用薄膜分散一超声
<正> 建筑结构通常承受多种荷载作用。因各种荷载及其效应都是依时间、空间而变化的随机过程,因而它们的效应组合则为一新的随机过程。因结构可靠度与结构的设计基准使用期T