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今春,非典疫情带来的灾害曾一度造成恐慌。人们谈“非”色变,出现了许多不理智的行动:有的阻挡医务人员征用宾馆休息,有的要放火烧掉隔离区的病房;有的闻“非”而逃,连确诊的非典病人都逃出医院,害了自己也害了他人;还有的人害怕“封城”,疯狂抢购;也有的恐惧病毒,过量消毒……。如果不是政府采取果断措施,迅速稳定人心,非典引发的社会动荡是不可想象的。因此有专家说:心理的恐惧比灾害本身危害更大。今天,非典逐渐离开我们。人们心情轻松了起来,忘了病毒还在我们身旁,忘了它将长期地或继续变异地在窥视我们。路上车水马龙,熙熙攘攘,口罩罕见了,商场又排队了,亲友们餐馆小聚,近距离接触,用餐也忘了洗手了……不良的卫生习惯又抬头了,压抑已久的热情在迅速的释放。随着局面日益稳定,迅速恢复正常的生活秩序是应该的。但是痛定思痛,我们必须认真思考,如何应对以后可能出现的多种灾害。它是我们必须要解决的一个长久课题。纵观人类历史上,危机是常在的,水灾、火险、地震及各种突发的传染病……还有种种个人的不如意的事情等,都会威胁、影响人们的精神状态,让人产生各式各样的心理问题,演变成各种各类的心理疾患,小的影响个人、家庭,大的威胁他人的生 This spring, the disasters caused by the SARS epidemic caused panic once. People talk about “non” discoloration and many irrational actions have taken place: Some have stopped the medical staff from inviting the hotels to rest and others have set fire to the wards of the isolated areas. Some have even fled to SARS, and even confirmed SARS patients All escaped from the hospital, harmed themselves and others; others were scared of “sealing the city” and buying it wildly; some also scared the virus and overdosed it. If not for the government to take decisive measures to stabilize the people’s interests quickly, the social turmoil caused by SARS is unthinkable. Therefore, some experts said: Psychological fear more harmful than the disaster itself. Today, SARS gradually leaves us. People feel relaxed and forget that the virus is still with us and forget that it will peep us for a long time or continue to mutate. Busy on the road, bustling, masks rare, and the mall was lined up, relatives and friends restaurant get together, close contact with the meal also forgot to wash their hands ... ... bad health habits and looked up, suppressed the enthusiasm in the rapid release. As the situation steadily stabilizes, it is time to resume normal life order promptly. However, we must think hard about how to deal with the various disasters that may arise in the future. It is a long-standing task that we must solve. Looking at the history of mankind, crises are commonplace. Floods, fires, earthquakes and all kinds of unexpected infectious diseases ... all sorts of personal unpleasant things will threaten and affect people’s mental state and cause people to each A variety of psychological problems, evolved into a variety of psychological disorders, a small impact on individuals, families, big threats to other people’s health