一、两种基本的人力资源管理模式 在任何一个企业组织中,认识人和管理人都是相辅相成的,就是说,对人有什么样的认识,就有什么样的管理措施。比如经常提到的4种人性假设:“经济人”、“社会人”、“复杂人”、“自我实现人”。在某种意义上可以说,这就是认识人与采取相应管理措施的一种历史性演变。 1、国内企业决策层关于人的两种基本的看法:(1)在一部分企业中,领导集体以自我为中心,将员工视为依附于企业的一种廉价劳动力,是被动、没有思想、没有主张的,是为企业赚得
First, two basic modes of human resource management In any enterprise organization, knowing people and managers are complementary, that is, what kind of understanding people have, there is what kind of management measures. For example, the four kinds of humanity hypotheses that are often mentioned are: “economic people”, “social people”, “complex people” and “self-realizing people”. In a sense, it can be said that this is a historical evolution of understanding people and adopting corresponding management measures. 1. Two basic views of the decision-making level of domestic enterprises on people: (1) In some enterprises, the leadership collective regards itself as the center, regards the employees as a cheap labor force attached to the enterprise, is passive, has no thoughts, and has no Advocates are for companies to earn