5月22日,出现在上海世博园中国馆里的微软CEO史蒂夫·鲍尔默,并没有如人们想象的或者说是希望的那样,会借着微软的两大公有云服务平台Windows Azure和Office 365在中国落地的时机,高喊关于云、关于微软、关于竞争的口号——比如他3年前在西雅图的华盛顿大学里发表演讲时所强调的“We’re all in!”(我们全面拥抱云),能轻易点燃全场的热情。气氛依旧融洽,气场依旧强大。只不过,所有人都很明显地感觉到了已
May 22, appeared in the China World Expo site in Shanghai Museum CEO Steve Ballmer, not as people imagine or hope, as will be through Microsoft’s two major public cloud service platform Windows Azure And Office 365 at the moment of landing in China, shouting about the cloud, about Microsoft, the slogan about competition - such as he stressed in his speech at the University of Washington in Seattle three years ago, “We’re all in! ” (We fully embrace the cloud), can easily ignite the enthusiasm of the audience. The atmosphere is still harmonious, the gas field is still strong. However, everyone obviously felt it