《住宅科技》1995年第1期发表的朱大明、郭远同志的文章《再论合理降低住宅层高》(以下简称《朱文》),多方位、多层次地阐述了降低住宅层高的可能性和必要性.笔者认为:其中有一部分观点,很值得商榷.1 标准与规范住宅的层高,关系到住宅建筑的经济性和住宅空间环境质量的好坏,并与贯彻节约用地、节约能源等基本国策密切相关.因此,这一问题一直是住宅设计研究的热点之一.我国传统的民居以平房为主.檐口高度大部分都不低于3.0m,坡层顶,室内的空间环境较为宽敞,空气流通性好.从五十年后期
Comrades Zhu Daming and Comrade Guo Yuan published in “Residential Science and Technology” in the first issue of 1995, “Re-comprehensively Lowering the Housing Height” (hereinafter referred to as “Zhu Wen”), expounded the possibility of reducing the height of residential buildings in various directions and layers. Sexuality and necessity. The author thinks: There are some viewpoints, which are worthy of discussion. 1 Standards and standardization of the height of residential buildings are related to the economics of residential construction and the quality of residential space environment, and to implement conservation of land and energy conservation. Such basic national policies are closely related. Therefore, this issue has always been one of the hottest topics in residential design research. China’s traditional dwellings are mainly bungalows. Most of the eaves heights are not less than 3.0m, and the top of the slope is the indoor environment. Spacious, good air circulation. From late 50 years